Behind Boe Studio

Hey there!

I’m Amy, the face behind Boe Studio!

I’m a 24 year old, Melbourne raised, moved Sunshine Coast gal. I studied Graphic Design in Melbourne, where the most important lesson learnt was to save your damn work (yes I lost my entire final portfolio the night before it was due. Lesson learnt).

I’m quite the idealist which has led to many business ideas that never took off the ground - but working in Web Design has turned out to really fulfill the part of me that is constantly wanting to learn about new things and start new businesses (but definitely doesn’t have the time to do so… my hands are full enough with one). I truly thrive off being able to completely dive into the different worlds of so many businesses when I’m creating for them.

My ( unpopular ) opinion,

Big agencies are best for big businesses, where both parties need to just get the job done without all the personal sh*t. 

I think the personal sh*t is what makes a truly tailored website possible. 

No quick templates, no trying to shovel you out the door as quick as possible. Quality takes time. I want to deeply understand you and your business. Relationship leads to depth, depth leads to understanding, and understanding ultimately leads to a brand & website that truly reflects your business to its core. That’s where the success lies.

Why I love doing what I do,

I remember the years of wandering around my jobs, every bone in my body wishing I was doing something creative & soul filling instead. Everyday. 

The absolute BEST thing about this being my full time job now, is being able to use the thing that is my passion, to contribute to other peoples passions – to contribute to someone else’s journey within the business world, allowing them freedom from that same feeling of soulless, unaligned work, that I too felt everyday.

I sit back in awe sometimes because I am just so grateful that people trust me to hold part of their business and contribute to it’s development. And in turn this allows me to live my dream out. 

Because the passion for my work comes from such a personal place, it makes client relationships all the more deep and wonderful. When we work together, you’re not just another number or logo slapped on a website template. Our work is a partnership – and at the end of the day a reflection of me and my brand. So know you’re in good hands, hands that truly want to help you succeed & take pride in your business.

Let’s be real, no one wants to put their business into the hands of a complete stranger, so I hope this gave you a bit more insight into me – now I’d love to get to know you! If it sounds like we would align well, please get in touch and introduce your lovely self! 

– Amy x